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MLA Citation Style - 9th Edition

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Article from an Online Database

Check out the "How to Build a Citation" section for more information on how to find and format individual elements of the citation. If an element is not present (e.g. other contributors), leave it out.


Citation Recipe:

  1. Author.  Parmet, Wendy E., et al.
  2. Title of source.  "Immigration and Health: Law, Policy & Ethics".
  3. Title of container,  Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics,
  4. Other contributors,
  5. Version,
  6. Number,  vol. 45, no. 1,
  7. Publishers,
  8. Publication date,  Mar. 2017,
  9. Location.  pp. 55-59.

Container 2 (in this case the database that the article was retrieved from):

  1. Title of container,  CINAHL with Full Text,
  2. Other contributors,
  3. Version,
  4. Number,
  5. Publishers,
  6. Publication Date,
  7. Location.


In-Text Citation:

(Parmet et al. 56)

Works Cited:

Parmet, Wendy E., et al. "Immigration and Health: Law, Policy & Ethics". Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics,  vol. 45,

no.1,  Mar. 2017,  pp. 55-59. CINAHL with Full Text,


  • If an element is not present (e.g., other contributors), leave it out.
  • If your article has a DOI (digital object identifier) use that number as the "Location" element, in lieu of a URL. The DOI should be prefaced with if the DOI does not already include this portion (5.93).
  • When providing a URL for a journal within an article database, look for the permalink (5.94). This link is different from the one found in a web browser address bar.
  • When providing a URL, the link should be live (clickable). You can usually omit the "https://" protocol, unless omitting the protocol breaks the link (5.95).