This guide can help you find Physical Therapist Assistant materials from various OER providers.
Please visit the Open Educational Resources Subject Guide to learn more about the following:
These materials are open educational resources (OER) that are free to use without first seeking permission from the author. However, how they may be used is determined by their licensing .
The Essential Guide to the Physical Therapy Aide
"This textbook has been designed to be an introductory training to the entry level position, Physical Therapy Aide."-MERLOT
Written by Erik Armstrong.
Licensing CC BY 3.0 US
Physical Therapy Applications for Individuals with Neurologic Dysfunction
"This textbook for the integration for Practice: Neuromuscular course is a multimedia PDF with videos embedded." -MERLOT
Written by Charlotte Chatto & Jeff Mastromonico
Licensing CC BY-ND 4.0
The purpose of these discipline specific pages is to showcase content that might be of interest to faculty who are considering adopting open educational resources for use in their classes.