The Centers for Learning Excellence has been a valuable job opportunity for those seeking experience working in education. Since its establishment in 1997, The CLE has helped pave the way for success among both its students and its staff. Many of the tutors who pass through our learning center have been, or currently are, STC students. We have also employed tutors from UTRGV as well as out-of-state colleges and universities.
Most of our tutors express how valuable their experience working in a learning center has been. Several credit their work as a Student Learning Assistant at our center with helping them better evaluate and determine their career path. We have been honored to have tutors who have gone on to be educators in primary, secondary, and higher education institutions. CLE tutors have also continued on to successful careers in business, law, medicine, engineering, and other fields. This collection of interviews aims to provide an inside perspective on the successes previous tutors have achieved since their departure from the CLE.