

This guide can help you find Education materials from various OER providers.

Please visit the Open Educational Resources Subject Guide to learn more about the following:

  • General OER providers
  • Finding and evaluating OER
  • Licensing
  • Attribution

Discovery Search

Highlighted Education Materials

These textbooks are open education resources (OER) that are free to use without first seeking permission from the author. However, how they may be used is determined by their licensing .

K-5 Math and Technology Resources

"This document is a collabrotive student work, compromising a directory of resources about mathematics and technology for kindergarten through fifth grade."- College Open Textbooks

Adapted by College Open Textbooks
Licensing  CC BY 4.0

Classroom Management and Supervision

"For the classroom to serve its purpose, the teacher must be able to establish order. This module is expected to help students master these key skills. " - College Open Textbooks

Adapted by College Open Textbooks 

Licensing  CC BY 4.0


Study Skills

"This OER is intended to assist with advice and guidance to students on Writing Skills, including essay planning and writing, referencing, critical writing and critical reading. The OER also covers writing for science, writing reports, planning and conducting a dissertation research project." - College Open Textbooks

Adapted by College Open Textbooks

Licensing CC BY 4.0

Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning

"This Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning (HETL) has been designed as a resource to educators planning to incorporate technologies in their teaching and learning activities." -College Open Textbooks

Adapted by College Open Textbooks

Licensing CC BY 4.0

Introduction to Guidance and Counseling

This Module Four: An Introduction to guidance and Counseling has been written specifically for you as a teacher who is undergoing training to become an effective and useful person to students, teachers, and school administrators and of course to the larger community around the school."- College Open Textbooks

Adapted by College Open Textbooks

Licensing CC BY 4.0

OpenEDUC: Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education

"Included are open-source reading materials, learning objectives, suggested readings and resources, activities organized into content modules for undergraduate Foundations of Education courses."- College Open Textbooks

Adapted by College Open Textbooks

Licensing CC BY 4.0 

Education OER Collections

The purpose of these discipline specific pages is to showcase content that might be of interest to faculty who are considering adopting open educational resources for use in their classes.