Computer and Advanced Technologies


This guide can help you find Computer & Advanced Technologies materials from various OER providers.

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Highlighted Computer & Advanced Technologies

These materials are open educational resources (OER) that are free to use without first seeking permission from the author. However, how they may be used is determined by their licensing .  

Computer Technology & Repair Model

This two-semester course provides instruction in the basics of computer construction and repair; emphasizes troubleshooting and diagnosis of hardware and software failures; provides the skills necessary to gain entry-level employment in the field of computer servicing. Students have the opportunity to service and repair a wide range of personal computers while learning theory of operation and gaining programming skills. Students will use a variety of service tools. The operation of each component of a computer is studied and tested while assembling test computers. Designed to provide a solid foundation as a basis for a student's continuing education in the computer sciences.

Written by Butte County Office of Education
Licensing  CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

Physical Computing Using Arduinos: Making and LED Blink and Fade

Students download the software needed to create Arduino programs and make sure their Arduino microcontrollers work correctly. Then, they connect an LED to the Arduino and type up and upload programs to the Arduino board to 1) make the LED blink on and off and 2) make the LED fade (brighten and then dim). Throughout, students reflect on what they've accomplished by answering questions and modifying the original programs and circuits in order to achieve new outcomes. A design challenge gives students a chance to demonstrate their understanding of actuators and Arduinos; they design a functioning system using an Arduino, at least three actuators and either a buzzer or toy motor. For their designs, students sketch, create and turn in a user's manual for the system (text description, commented program, detailed hardware diagram). Numerous worksheets and handouts are provided.

Written by  Lisa Ali, Michael Zotolo
Licensing  Custom Licensing - Open only for Academic use and user must use the appropriate citation as follows: "The source of this material is the TeachEngineering digital library collection at All rights reserved."

Wireless Networking in the Developing World

Wireless Networking in the Developing World is a free book about designing, implementing, and maintaining low-cost wireless networks. This book is a practical guide to designing and building wireless networks in local communities, enhancing lives through improved communication, access to information for educational, social and economic growth. Its primary goal is to help expand access to the Internet and to expand the deployment of community networks where there is currently no infrastructure to enable this to happen. Written by subject matter experts who have vast experience in deploying wireless networks in the field and connecting communities to the global Internet. You can find the latest edition of the Wireless Networking in the Developing World available on-screen and for download.

Written by Wireless Networking in the Developing World

Licensing CC-BY-SA 2.5

Computer & Advanced Technologies OER Collections

The purpose of these discipline specific pages is to showcase content that might be of interest to faculty who are considering adopting open educational resources for use in their classes.