Monday | 8:00 AM - 05:00 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM - 05:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 05:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 05:00 PM |
To be Announced
Use the resources provided below to prepare for your weekly and final exams. If you have any questions, please visit the Fire Science tutor located at the RCPSE CLE.
The following links provide access to Practice Questions for each chapter of the Fire Academy textbook Fundamentals of Firefighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response (5th ed.). Please consult the Fire Academy / Fire Science Tutor at the RCPSE CLE to review any of the questions.
The following links provide access to practice questions for each chapter of the Fire Academy textbook Fundamentals of Firefighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response (5th ed.).
These resources use the Don't Look Down game mode from Gimkit to make learning fun and existing, Your goal in each resource is to reach the highest possible floor while you compete with other cadets. Answer questions correctly to gain energy to keep climbing.
Please consult the Fire Academy / Fire Science Tutor at the RCPSE CLE to review your answers.
The following links provide access to practice tests for each chapter of the Fire Academy textbook Fundamentals of Firefighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response (5th ed.). Please consult the Fire Academy / Fire Science Tutor at the RCPSE CLE to review your answers .
Use the resources provided below to prepare for your exams. If you have any questions, please visit the RCPSE CLE.
Use the resources provided below to review important Cybersecurity concepts. If you have any questions, please visit the Cybersecurity tutor at the RCPSE CLE.
The following links provide access to practice tests based on resources available in the UCertify platform. To review your answers, visit the Cybersecurity Tutor at the RCPSE CLE.
The following links provide access to practice tests based on resources available in the UCertify platform. To review your answers, visit the Cybersecurity Tutor at the RCPSE CLE.