south texas college

Art Appreciation - ARTS-1301


Rachael Brown

Office Location: Mid Valley Campus - G134

Office Telephone #: 973-7606


Please use PRONTO to ask questions about course materials, assignments.

Please use email to notify about personal concerns, illness, change of schedule, etc.

Office Hours: 

Mon/Tues: 3-4pm

Wed/Thurs/Fri: 11am-noon

Navigating the Course Content

To navigate to a specific topic for ARTS-1301, see the expanded menu options in the navigation tabs. Each lesson is sorted by unit.


Course Textbook

Sensitive Subjects

Throughout history art has reflected important and sometimes controversial topics. Many cultures portray the nude human form in art. This is a college level course; however, if you are under 18 years of age, please obtain parental consent to view all course content and notify your instructor the first week of class if there are any doubts, concerns, or issues. Alternative assignments will be offered in this case. One of the main objectives of the class is to learn to approach issues with respect and an open mind.