south texas college

ARCH 1301 Course Guide

SI Leader

  • Name of SI Leader: 

Saul Reyes, Coordinator CLE

  • Office Location: Tech Campus B-151
  • Office Telephone #: 872-6186
  • E-mail Address:

  • Office Hours:  8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Assigned Reading - Discussion

Assigned Reading – Essay - The Sumerian View of the World

In relation to Sumerian Warrior Gods: Temple of the White Thunderbird


Assigned Reading - Essay - “Hydraulic” Civilizations

In relation to  A New Approach To The Description Of A Babylonian Hydraulic Work By Herodotus 

Additional Pictures

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Megalith – ARTstor Database   

Ancient Mesopotamia – ARTstor

Ancient Egypt – ARTstor